My name is Nicole Heiser,
Since 1998, I have been riding jetski, and from the first day I am a fire and a flame for this fascinating sport.
In 2010 I took my first race in Holland and finished 5th. I finished 3rd in an Endurance race in Germany.
In 2012 I went to the 2nd place in the womans class in Germany.
2013 it was a 3rd place in a German race of the runabout stock class.
Since I have been working for the last few years in the organization team of the German Jetsportverein, I unfortunately could not participate in the Jetski-races and thus also no results.
2016 I drive for the Nice 'n Hard Racing Team!
Since 2016 I drive with a Seadoo Spark, are planned to participate in races in Holland, Germany and EM in Poland!
In 2017, we will enter the ADAC Jetboot Cup / German Champion. The Dutch Championship is also on our schedule, as well as the European Championship in Austria and a few races in Belgium. A pretty busy schedule for 2017! I look forward to your support !!!
I spend my spare time with the family and friends, then also with hobbies like power training, graphic design, drifttrike driving, and of course jet skiing.
Thanks to my husband Burkhard Heiser for the great support, without him it would not be possible!
Manager of the Nice 'n Hard Racing Team!
Thomas Richter is almost the chief mechanic, funmaker, griller, tinker, quadracer, but above all a great mate you can always rely on and we have learned so much through him!
Manu Richter, better known as Manu # 43 my team colleague at the Nice 'n Hard Racing Team!
For many years she has been very successful in Jetski racing! I am very happy that I have such a great friend at my side.
Thorsten "Bolles" Kräußle, training partner and team colleagues at the Nice'n Hard Racing Team!
Thanks also to Paul Schaefer, who always supports our racing team!
And because of his many years of experience in jet ski racing, he is a great motivator and always there for me!
Danke an den ADAC Mittelrhein e.V. für das geniale Video!!!
Dort fing alles an mit dem ADAC Jetboot Cup. Top Veranstaltung!
Zitat: "Das Int. ADAC Motorbootrennen ist das Motorsport-Spektakel des Jahres auf der Mosel und zieht jährlich tausende Besucher in den Bann. Die durchgeführten Rennen der Jetboot-Klassen sind längst zu einem festen Bestandteil der Veranstaltung geworden. Die Fans freuen sich gerade bei diesen Rennen auf die vielen Positionswechsel und packenden Zweikämpfe."
Und hier seht ihr die drei Ladies die in der Spark Klasse starten. Wir haben uns 2016 zusammen getan und sind als einzigste Frauen in der sonst nur von Männer besetzten Spark Klassen gestartet. "Die drei Engel für Sparkie" schaut euch auch ein kleines Viedeo von uns an. Ein paar Eindrücke von den Rennen von uns drei. Viel Spaß und vielleicht bekommt der ein oder andere Lust auch mit zu machen!!! Wir freuen uns auf jeden Neuzugang.
Manu #43, Sindy #37, Nicole #76
68642 Bürstadt
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